


Why Active Women Need Carbs athlete carbohydrates macronutirients nutrition Jun 28, 2022

Here’s how to help your carb-phobic athletes embrace these fiber-rich foods. 

By Selene Yeager


Back in the 90s women were taught to fear fat. We broke out the pasta and bagels, ditched the peanut butter, avoided avocados, and it turned out to be a bust for health and performance. Then the pendu...

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Sports Supplements: What Works for Women nutrition supplements Oct 26, 2021

Reposted with permission from Dr. Stacy Sims

Surprise, surprise, some ergogenic aids work differently for us than they do for the guys.

Research on female college athletes shows that more than 65 percent of them use some type of supplement at least once a month. I don’t know what the percentage is...

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Rundown? Underperforming? Research Shows You’re Likely Undernourished nutrition May 31, 2021

Reposted with permission from Dr. Stacy Sims

Here’s how to make sure you’re eating enough!

When women come to me because they’re struggling with poor performance one of the simplest (though not always easiest) and most successful strategies I provide is getting them to eat more.

 Many women athle...

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