


You Are One Feisty Mother active mom athlete pregnancy May 08, 2023

Stroller runs, zero-dark thirty wake-up calls, weight-vest training to optimize the limited time you have, training through divorce…These women refuse to let motherhood become a barrier to their personal goals. 


By Carrie Barrett


Special thanks to Orca for helping...

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Resources for Pregnant Athletes active mom pregnancy Feb 28, 2023

With help from Maurya Couvares - pregnant triathlete


Over the past two weeks on the Women’s Performance Podcast, we have delved deep into pregnancy as an athlete. Interviewing both a researcher, as well as a pregnant athlete, one highlight really stood out:  it is extremely hard...

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Exercising While Pregnant is Good for You and Your Baby, Too pregnancy Sep 09, 2021

Repost from Dr. Stacy Sims

A new study links a mom’s physical activity to her offspring’s lung function.

For years, women have contacted me, fresh off a positive pregnancy test, wondering whether they need to stop working out for fear of doing harm. In fact, the opposite is true....

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