The Feisty Business Accelerator:

A workshop for women who want to grow their business

 January 4-5, 2024 | Charlotte, NC


Get your ticket
A workshop for women who want to grow their business

January 4-5, 2023 | Charlotte, NC

Get Your Ticket

Join us for a 26-hour hands on workshop designed to help your business stand out!


A great product or service isn’t enough to create a sustainable business. Even the best coaches will get passed over without a solid plan.


Female coaches, race directors, and practitioners are great at delivering their services but often struggle to grow their business. Offering a great service isn’t enough to create a sustainable business. Without a solid plan, you will get passed over. That’s why we created the Feisty Business Accelerator Workshop. In 26-hours you’ll get a plan that will allow you to:


  • Clearly communicate what makes your business unique
  • Evaluate your key marketing assets (website, social media, emails) and have a clear but simple-to-follow plan to get new customers
  • Get feedback on your plans from our feisty experts
  • Dive into the leadership skills you need to move to the next level
  • Have a plan to get more clients and increase your revenue
  • Develop vital connection with other women like you who will support you along the way

Who this event is for:

  • Women —- sorry guys
  • Anyone who owns a small business, whether it’s full-time or a side hustle

What you’ll walk away with:

  • A clear pitch that you can use in any setting to quickly communicate what makes your business unique
  • A strategy to tap into your personal strengths to meet your business goals
  • A website audit and practical suggestions on how to help it convert!
  • A simple social media plan that you can execute in a few hours a month
  • A strategy for written content (blogs, newsletters, etc)
  • How to use your current network to find mentors and partners to help you succeed


Location: UNC Charlotte Student Union rooms 266 & 267

Thursday January 4th 

1:00pm -1:30pm

Welcome to the Feisty Business Accelerator! Introduction & get to know you 

1:30pm - 2:15pm

Opening presentation: How Sara Gross went from professional triathlete to CEO  of a 7-figure business

2:15pm - 2:30pm 


2:30pm - 4:30pm

Marketing Workshop Part 1: Clarifying Your Message

Lead by Kathryn Taylor

4:30pm - 5:00pm

Networking Workshop: Finding Your People

Lead by Sara Gross

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Happy Hour at the Wine Vault: Practice your pitch and networking skills!

Friday January 5th

8:00am - 9:00am

Leadership Workshop: Connecting your values and strengths to achieve your business goals

Lead by Sara Gross

9:00am - 10:00am

Marketing Workshop Part 2: Putting together a plan you’ll actually use

Lead by Kathryn Taylor

10:00am - 11:00am 

Finance Workshop: Finance that every entrepreneur should know

Lead by Alison Freeman

11:00am - 11:15am


11:15am - 12:15pm

Problem Solving Roundtables- All your questions answered! 

12:00pm - 1:30pm

Working Lunch on your own

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Closing presentation with USAT CEO Victoria Brumfield & group business plan sharing


*Schedule is subject to change

Feisty Business Accelerator only:


Tickets include:

    • All educational sessions

    •  Coffee breaks

    •  All conference materials

    •  Happy hour

    •  Lifetime connections

  Not included: Hotel, flights and meals



Feisty Business Accelerator + USAT Endurance Exchange Package Price



This option includes Endurance Exchange All-Access for in-person attendees, PLUS access to Feisty's Business Accelerator, a $93 discount.